February 9, 2025


Super Technology

NEXposture launches preorders for ergonomic desking products


A recently launched company now is taking preorders for its ergonomic workspace furniture.

Spring Lake-based NEXposture — founded in 2020 by Keith McRobert, who worked for the office furniture manufacturer formerly known as Herman Miller for almost 30 years — on Monday, April 18, launched production of its desk converters, standing desks, mobile desks, fixed-height desks and soft-edge desk cushions.

The products are available for preorder at nexposture.com. People who join the email newsletter list will receive a 15% discount off their order.

Backed by certified professional ergonomist Marc Turina, NEXposture’s products are designed for ergonomics and comfort while reducing the load and pressure on a worker’s neck and lumbar spine.

“People are designed to move and not to spend a third of their lives in static positions in front of a computer,” McRobert said. “With the infinitely adjustable NEXposture worksurface, the user can move and adjust throughout the day and gain back the control needed for healthy engagement with computer technology.”

NEXposture’s sliding surface extends and retracts over a 10-inch range while declining at a six-degree angle, allowing desktop technology to mirror the kinematic motion of the chair and user, the company said, noting reclined postures allow for nutrients to flow into the intervertebral discs and reduce the load on the lumbar spine. The design of the products transfer the upper body weight to the chair, designed to reduce the force on the user’s lower back by as much as 25%.

With the NEXposture product design, people will be able position their desktop technology in a manner that supports a full range of comfortable and healthful sitting, from upright to working recline, while maintaining eye-to-monitor and hand-to-input device distance, the company said.


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